We had a great week!! On Sunday a youth named Ben Price came up to us at Church and told us that he needed to set up an appointment to go with us to see this girl that he used to go to school with to teach her about The Book of Mormon! We set it up and went with him, it was really great, she's very sincere, with little to no background in religion. Ready to learn and apply what we teach. She is amazing!
Another miracle that happened was a member referred us to his neighbor who was a member of the remnant Church! We went and helped him out with some spring cleaning in his garage and talked/taught as we did so. We were able to clear up some misconceptions about what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes and practices, and the Why's behind why we do, and he was very interested! Said he even wanted to attend Church with us this next week! He was a cool, it'll be neat to help bring him to the light of the fullness of The Gospel. Interesting thing about him though he said, "First and foremost in my faith is Joseph Smith, I follow him, I know He is a Prophet." Elder Ferguson and I commented to each other about how that is probably where a lot of the break off Churches went wrong, they started worshiping or idolizing the Prophet instead of recognizing him as an instrument or mouthpiece for our Savior Jesus Christ. He is the first in foremost in MY faith, I can't imagine it not being that way.
Something pretty funny/interesting that happened this week was just yesterday morning, hahaha so funny, here it is: SO we had an appointment set up with this lady named Verna on Sundaymorning at 11am. We get a call from her that morning during personal study and she said, "I've decided to go with the Islam faith, you don't need to come over today." So we told her to check outmormon.org and that we hope we could see her another time. We had just set up this appointment with her last Wednesday or something, we thought that was a pretty dramatic change of course direction for her in only 4 days! Hahaha then we get another call 15 minutes after that first call, and it's Verna again! She says, "I went to mormon.org right after we got off the phone and I felt there was truth there, how can I get a Book of Mormon??" So we ask her if we could come for our original appointment time at 11am and she said yes! So we saw her, taught The Restoration, and she just threw down TONS of questions, deep ones too! She didn't just want to know what we believed but why we believed it. It all made sense to her, and we are seeing her again soon. The Holy Ghost worked quickly with her as she accepted our invitation to check out the website, and now she's on a journey to learn the truth for herself!
I know the Lord works mighty miracles as we exercise faith and diligence! I'm grateful for the experiences I've had on my mission and exhort any of you who question whether or not to serve, to do so. But first, ask God if you should. Then read the Prophet's exhortations to do so, especially you young men. Then recognize the blessings you've received because of The Gospel in your life. After that it will be an easy call. After you have experienced the soothing balm of The Atonement of Jesus Christ, and the peace that comes from living His teachings, the natural response is to share it with others. I love this Gospel and this work! It truly is the very work of God upon the face of the Earth.
I've changed a lot on my mission and will continue too! I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to serve.
Elder Goff
The pics are of some stickers on cars I've seen the past week, a maple donut bacon double cheeseburger, my boy Elder Yorgason from the great ID, and a sticker for this brand in Detroit that's pretty funny. Also a picture of all the missionaries that went home with Elder Whetzel.
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