Monday, March 28, 2016


Hello Everyone,

Sooooooo many miracles this week, I come to the end of it so humble and grateful to Heavenly Father for the great opportunities He gave is Elder Whetzel's last week in the mission. I'll give you a brief explanation of most of the miracles we experienced this week: 
   So first of all we were able to find 7 new investigators this week, all from tracting! A few of them we found on the first door that we knocked. We prayed in faith that God would lead us to His children who would receive us, and he surely did. 
   On Monday we met a woman named Kiaera, we shared the family proclamation with her! She just got married about a year ago and she said that after she was married things have started to fall into place in her life. We helped her realize that these things "falling into place" were blessings from God for keeping his commandment to be married!! We are meeting with her and her husband again this week.
   On Tuesday morning we met up with this couple that we set an appointment with but we didn't think they were super solid, honestly we expected the appointment to fall through! But we felt that we should go to it. So we did, and they ended up being pretty solid!! They are struggling to raise their kids in the world today, they have teenagers and they don't know how to protect them against the world. We taught them The Restoration, and She especially felt that what we shared is the answer to her concerns and struggles in life. She really understood the Priesthood well! It was amazing to see them light up as we taught them, they gained hope that there is a way for they to help their children be in the world, but not of the world.
   On Wednesday we knocked some doors in the afternoon and we ran into this man named Shane. He told us he used to live next to a Mormon just a few miles away! He said his name was Michael Ogden! We told him that we know Brother Ogden very well (he is our ward mission leader)!!! So then we set up another appointment with him two days later and Brother Ogden came with us, it was great! Shane's friend Joshua came out of the house about a quarter of the way through The Restoration and he jumped right in! He explained how he has been feeling that something is missing in all the Churches in the world, and was very interested especially in our claim that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Original Church that Christ organized when He was here. We came back a couple days later and taught him about the Book of Mormon. POWERFUL lesson, I've never seen someone in my mission so competent and quick to understand the message that we share, and so eager to know for himself from God if it is true. So then we set up another appointment with him two days later and Brother Ogden came with us, it was great! 
   On Thursday the first door we knocked this brotha named Jeremy answered the door super sleepy, telling us he just woke up! But we started to teach him about The Restoration, about halfway through he was awake! And he invited us in. We finished teaching him and asked him to pray, he did. Afterwards we asked if he received an answer! He said, "I received the answer before I even prayed! It's the reason why I let you guys in, while we were talking at the door I felt that what you had to share was important and true." I've attached a picture of Elder Whetzel and Jeremy, he's the African-American guy! Such a sweet experience.
   Then on Sunday, Marcus was baptized! We've been teaching him for a while now, and he was ready to make that commitment to God! It was a great experience, I felt the "power of godliness made manifest" as Marcus entered the water and came up again, clean and pure before God. I've attached a picture of us with him right before he got baptized. 
   I know this is the work of The Lord. We can become a part of it, if we will exercise our faith and experiment upon His word. May we be eager participants instead of spectators on the sidelines of the Hastening of His work, is my prayer for all of us.

Elder Goff

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