Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday October 13, 2014

Hello everyone,

I'm so pumped for Daylon!! And Tyler holy cow!! Hahaha it's not likely, but it's possible that I could be his trainer! Yeah, all of the missionaries in my district got to see Meet the Mormons like 4 days before it came out in theaters! I liked it a lot. So you don't have to buy me boots, because I'm buying some here today, they are like $110-$120 with this coupon I got in the mail. I can't wait to get the packages! Packages are the best out here haha.

October 6th, 2014
Today was a pretty relaxing P-Day. We went over to the Howell Elder's apartment and played games, and then grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. It was sweet! Then we came back, did laundry, and deep cleaned the whole apartment (To 'Liz Standard'). Used bleach and vinegar. Then we played a game of Chess. I have won 3 games so far, and Elder Redd has won 2. Those were just stupid mistakes I made though, I doubt he'll win again. 

October 7th, 2014
Today we went to Mission President interviews. When we weren't getting interviewed, Meet The Mormons was playing in the Relief Society room so I got to watch it before it actually came out! I was really good. At the end I really felt the Holy Ghost testify to me that this is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and true happiness comes from living it and reaping the rewards. I also gave President Gerber the tie his cousin asked me to give him! President liked it so that's good. Anyways, through the rest of this week, I'm going to focus on being a productive and effective missionary, in my studies, finding, and teaching efforts.

October 8th, 2014
First today we went to Jim and Thelma's house, we gave Jim a Book of Mormon las week and he seemed really grateful and he said he would read it. When we got there today he said he was busy and that we should come back another day, but that he had read like 26 pages of it! That was awesome to hear! Then we went tracting in this really nice neighborhood. The first house we went to they said no, but the second house we knocked on they let us in and we taught them The Restoration! It was awesome. Then we sang 'Come Thou Fount for them and they loved it and definitely felt the Spirit!! We're going to help them with some fall cleanup in a week or so, and after that hopefully we can teach them The Plan of Salvation! Their names are Paul and Kay, they are Methodist. They are such nice people, I love them! Then we continued to tract for about an hour and offered a lot of service to people. 

October 9th, 2014
Tonight we had our weekly dinner/lesson with Mark and Susan! We taught them the Word of Wisdom. Susan was really against the no coffee standard but after the lesson she and Mark accepted the challenge to refrain from drinking coffee for 10 days. Mark is going on a 10 day hunting trip on saturday, and he said it will be really hard for him not to drink coffee but he said in the closing prayer of the lesson: "God, I know that I am weak in this, and I know I can do it with your help, but I need your help." After that sincere and humble prayer I turned us to a scripture that came to my mind during the prayer. Ether 12:27. It's a great scripture, and Mark's prayer followed the exact outline found there! We are promised that if we humble ourselves before God and know that we are weak and have faith in Him, He will make or weaknesses become strengths. I know that if Mark and Susan put their faith in God, and test the Word of Wisdom out for these next 10 days, then they will feel the promised blessings that this scripture offers us.

October 10th, 2014
Today was pretty boring to be honest haha! We only got to talk with one person, an inactive woman. And we didn't get to teach a lesson or anything because she didn't want to hear it. Fridays are always tough especially in the evening because people are out on dates so no one is home. But today we found out that we are going to be singing "Listen" by Colton Avery on the 26th in sacrament meeting. We invited Mark and Susan to come to that so we hope they will be able to make it!

October 11th, 2014
Today was pretty uneventful too! We had 2 service projects lined up but they both fell through, we tracted for about 3 hours and only like 5 people answered the door, and we didn't get to teach a lesson. That's alright though! The Gospel is still true, no matter how many people reject it or won't hear it. And as long as Elder Redd and I study and work diligently, having faith that we will be blessed, we will be. Tomorrow is my first Fast Sunday in the field!

October 12th, 2014
Today Roger Bacon shared his testimony in Fast and Testimony meeting, and it was really powerful. It was about how he knows that God has an individual plan for each of us, and that everything happens for a reason. Then in Elder's Quorum we got to help ordain Roger to the office of Priest, and confer upon him the Aaronic Priesthood. Then the Elder's Quorum President gave a lesson on Elder Uchtdorf's talk from the Priesthood Session called, "Lord, is it I?" That was a really great talk!! I want to work really hard this week and focus solely on the work and be productive.

That was my week! I'm having a blast, thank you for all of the support! I know that if people will just take a few minutes to let the Missionaries come into their homes and share a lesson with them, that they will be able to feel the Holy Ghost confirm to them that what is being taught is true. If they are seekers of truth, they shall find. I love you!

-Elder Goff
The nice neighborhood we tracted in
Stir Frys I am making with my awesome Mongo's skills!!
The gas here is $3.07!!!

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